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Neirotti, Nerio (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Neirotti, Nerio

Alianzas e innovaciones en proyectos de desarrollo educativo local, 2004: port. (Nerio Neirotti) p. 4 (Licenciado en Sociología, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina)

LinkedIn, 6 agosto 2020: (Nerio Neirotti; sociologist; expert in analysis and evaluation of public policy; licenciado in sociology, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo; master's of public affairs, University of Texas at Austin; Ph.D. in social sciences, FLACSO-Argentina; professor and researcher affiliated with the Universidad Nacional de Lanús and has been vice chancellor since 2010)

Ediciones CICCUS, 6 agosto 2020: (Nerio Neirotti; licenciado in sociology, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo; master's of public affairs, University of Texas at Austin; Ph.D. in social sciences, FLACSO-Argentina; professor and researcher affiliated with the Universidad Nacional de Lanús and has been vice chancellor since 2010; former director of the Maestría en Políticas Públicas y Gobierno of the Universidad Nacional de Lanús; author of several works published by UNESCO, UNLA, and FLACSO-Argentina; developed activities of technical assistance and formation of evaluation training of government officials in Latin America in the Instituto Internacional de Planeamiento de la Educación of UNESCO (IIPE-UNESCO Oficina Regional Buenos Aires) (2002-2010) where he was coordinator of evaluation programs; professor of social doctrine of the Catholic Church in the Especialización de Pensamiento Nacional y Latinoamericano, Universidad Nacional de Lanús; director of the Encuentro “El pensamiento de Francisco: Reflexiones desde y para América Latina” in 2017 and was the editor of the book by the same title; founding member of the Asociación Ecuménica de Cuyo (Mendoza, Argentina); developed activities in the Centro de Estudios Ecuménicos (México); director of the programs Formación de Dirigentes en Gestión Pública y Social (FORMARNOS) and Agenda Compartida)

Author's Academia page, 6 agosto 2020: (Nerio Neirotti; professor of planning and public policy, Universidad Nacional de Lanús)

Universidad Nacional de Lanús, 6 agosto 2020: (Dr. Nerio Neirotti;

¿Por qué China?, 2015: port. (prólogo de Nerio Neirotti), p. 11 (Vicerrector de la Universidad Nacional de Lanús. Dr en Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO Argentina), Master of Public Affairs (University of Texas at Austin), Lic. en Sociología (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo))

Biblioteca Laura Manzo. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes.
Roque Sáenz Peña 352 Bernal - B1876BXD - Bs. As.
Tel:+ 54 11 4365-7130.
Horario de Atención: Lunes a viernes de: 8:30 a 21:30 hs. Sábados de 8:15 a 15 hs.

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