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Brenner, Robert (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Brenner, Robert

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Su Merchants and revolution, c1991: port. (Robert Brenner) hoja de inf. (n. Nov. 28, 1943)

Aan de rand van het relativisme, 2003: port. (Robert Brenner) p. 129 (Ph.D. from Princeton, taught at UCLA, mentions his book: The boom and the bubble)

The economics of global turbulence, 2005: port. (Robert Brenner) data view (prof., history and dir., Center for Social Theory and Comparative History, UCLA; author of The boom and the bubble)

Estructura de clases agraria y desarrollo económico en la auropa preindustrial, 1988.

Biblioteca Laura Manzo. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes.
Roque Sáenz Peña 352 Bernal - B1876BXD - Bs. As.
Tel:+ 54 11 4365-7130.
Horario de Atención: Lunes a viernes de: 8:30 a 21:30 hs. Sábados de 8:15 a 15 hs.

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