Cancer epidemiology biomarkers & prevention Cancer epidemiology biomarkers and prevention. Cancer epidemiology biomarkers and prevention. An official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research and Its Molecular Epidemiology Group; Cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology. - Philadelphia, PA : American Association for Cancer Research, - v : - Mensual - Vol. 10, no. 1 (2001)-

Descripción basada en: Vol. 10, no. 1 (Jan. 2001).

1055-9965 = Cancer epidemiol. biomark. prev.


Terapia con medicamentos

Oncología Epidemiología molécular
Biblioteca Laura Manzo. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes.
Roque Sáenz Peña 352 Bernal - B1876BXD - Bs. As.
Tel:+ 54 11 4365-7130.
Horario de Atención: Lunes a viernes de: 8:30 a 21:30 hs. Sábados de 8:15 a 15 hs.

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